Writing a Series is hard….
Writing a series is hard. And not just in the planning and maintaining continuity. Not just in the developing of characters and story arcs over multiple books. It’s hard in the day to day. But what I find very hard is not spilling my guts about each new story I’m working on.
I mean right now I’m working on book 4 of my ShadowGate series, yet I’m marketing book 1. So I can’t just go hey everyone guess what? And throw out all these details about the book I’m working on without giving away plot points for the three preceding books. Can you even imagine how frustrating that is? I want to tell the world all about this story I’m writing but I can’t because they have three books to go before I can say a damned thing!
Series are HARD!!!
I want to tell everyone about this story, I want to write articles about it and post in my blog but I can’t say a single word. Ok, yeah, sure I could be really vague and be like, “I’m writing a story about two persons and it’s in the ShadowGate world”, but that’s basically it. So frustrating! I’m just sitting at home screaming into a pillow because I want to give away ALL the spoilers.
And you know what’s even worse????? Knowing the whole f@$king history of my series and universe and not able to say a freaking word because I have to wait for it to be revealed in proper order!!! OMG I’m dying with all these spoilers!!!
At least once book 1, Angel’s Gate, is officially released I can start talking about book 2, Guardian Angel. True I can’t give away too many details, because again, have to wait for people to read it and it’s release date isn’t until end of 2021, but at least I’ll be able to release some of the Character Profiles and talk about the process.
But that means I won’t be able to give ANY details about book 3, Angel Child, until AFTER Guardian Angel is released and that means I’ll have to wait until 2023 to tell you ANYTHING about Cerviel and Micah!!!
I just want to tell you everything! I want to tell you all about Shamshiel and Shatter and Talis and Cerviel and Micah and Nomad and Becca and Faith and Gideon and and and and….See there’s just so much I want to tell you!!!
But I’ll be good and wait. I’ll talk about Angel’s Gate, promote and wait for you to read it before we can talk about everyone else.
But….I can maybe say a little something right now, like just a tease right? Angel’s Gate is available for pre-sale RIGHT now, so you can read it and get all the details. Guardian Angel…want a little hint? You’ll meet Lucifer in this one.
And Angel Child? Take one angel love child, one Angelic Assassin, add lots of demons and you’ll get an interesting cross country road trip. What? Did you expect me to give away everything? Ok, I’ll give you one more taste:
“Now he was driving a stolen truck, praying his Grace would come back before something REALLY bad happened. Like maybe Armageddon or a plague of frogs or Starbucks ran out of Pumpkin Spice and the basic bitches of the world united in their outrage for the weirdest zombie apocalypse he could think of.
SPICE, PUMPKIN SPICE…he could just picture them in their sweaters and Uggs and yoga pants…
“Pumpkin spice?” Becca asked him abruptly, the confusion in her voice seeming to trump even her copious amounts of fear. “What the hell is a pumpkin spice zombie?”
Nomad nearly drove them off the road when he realized she’d just read his mind.” – Angel Child coming 2022
And now for the one I’m dying to tell you about….Sanctuary. All I’m going to say is it’s a love story. Sorry, I’m not saying anything else…
Between angels!
Really, not saying anything else….
So….until next time,