April 1

The Elephant in the Room

There’s this giant elephant in the room, dark gray like a storm cloud that we’re all afraid to look at. It’s there and no, I’m not talking about the Coronavirus that has us all locked down on “voluntary” house arrest. I’m talking about the fear. The fear of an enemy none of us can see, that none of us can fight. We talk of this disease, we send warnings, we beg people to do their part to “flatten the curve” and stay the F%CK at home. But we don’t always talk about the fear we are all living in from day to day. Not the fear that we might die, that those we love might die. Not the fear of where we’re going to come up with rent money, food money. Hell, not even that strange and random fear some people have that they will run out of toilet paper. I’m talking about the fear of what happens next. The one thing we’re all afraid to admit: that we’ll never go back to normal. The fear that EVERYTHING has changed.

It has.

We want to go back to the way things were, want to visit our favorite restaurant again, want to not be afraid of strangers on the street. We want to go back to normal. But our normal is gone. Nothing will EVER be as it was. This is changing EVERYTHING. And it should. We’ve lived too long ignoring our connection to each other, our connection to this planet. We can’t deny that anymore. All of us, everything human on this planet, is connected through this single fear. We aren’t alone in this and we aren’t alone in facing what’s coming next. We’ve seen some amazing things these past few weeks. We’ve seen heroes and we’ve seen some really disgusting lows in human behavior. More we’ve all been faced with our mortality, with how fragile our lives and society really are. Do you really think you can just go back to work, back to life as if nothing happened? All of us are being affected by this, all of us are being CHANGED by this. It’s my hope that it’s a change for the better.

I don’t know how it’s going to change. I can’t see the future, but one thing I know is our government is going to change, our laws, how we handle crisis, is going to change. Financially many of us will be crippled, but more as a nation we’ve been irrevocably affected and we’re all going to feel it. Nothing is ever going back to normal and I just want to tell you: That’s ok. It’s called evolution. It’s what has kept us as a species from dying out a long time ago. Growth, change, hurts. But it’s ok. Because we’re not in this alone.

Normal has changed, but so have we.

Stay safe and sane and know: It’s going to be ok.

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March 13

I’m so tired of being afraid…

Image by Prawny from Pixabay

I’m tired of being ruled by fear. The fear of failing. The fear of dying. The fear of not having enough money. The fear I won’t be able to pay next month’s rent. The fear of what happens next with the world in chaos all around me. The fear I’ll always be fat. The fear that I’ll always be alone. The fear of…EVERYTHING.

We live in a world filled by fear. Fear stimulated by ignorance, by an overwhelming belief that we are helpless. We feel immobile and impotent, unable to chance anything in our lives. We feel trapped. We are a nation of traumatized children scared we will never escape an abusive parent. Our fear is fed by the media and by our community online that thrives on sensationalism. Instead of sending hope and encouragement we spread more fear. And panic like a disease runs through us, showing the next generation there is no hope, no chance for escape or redemption.

I’m so tired of being afraid. I was raised fearing the Rapture, the end of days and the return of God. I was raised fearing everything because it might have been a sin. I made me afraid of my own sexuality, of other cultures and religions. My mom was a woman who lived in fear and she passed that on to us. She cloistered us close and taught us to fear the outside world, a world filled with sin and scary people. People who would mock and judge or worse lead me into sin and finally into Hell.

I’m so tired of being afraid.

It surrounds me on all sides, a gray and looming monster who whispers lies so I cannot see the truth, I can’t see past the dark to how I can move forward, to how I am SAFE right now.

The world is polluted, but we can fix it if we try. Maybe not completely, but enough for it to heal itself with time and love. There are diseases, poverty, war…but we can stop those too. If we stop listening to the lies of fear, if we pull together and take one tiny step at a time, make one positive change each day, we can chance the world. We can improve our lives. We can defeat the monster that is fear.

We can stop fear.

I’m so tired of being afraid.

So I’m going to stop feeding the monster. I’m going to stop being afraid.

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February 20

Angel’s Gate – The 1st 500 Words

Angel’s Gate is only 8 months away. 8 months from now and I get to share the first of the ShadowGate with the world. 8 months….feels like a lifetime away. I know you’re anxious to finally have a chance to read Angel’s Gate, so here’s the first 500 words to hold you over for a while.

“Life wasn’t supposed to move this fast. From birth to death so quickly. It was all too fast, too…over. So many words had been left unspoken, so many questions still unasked. So many things still unresolved between them, but now…now there was no more time. One sentence…one sentence had changed her life, shattered everything. Four words, one death and everything she had worked so hard to achieve seemed worthless.

Your mother is dead.

For AG Morris those words had stolen everything.

Four words and here she stood waiting for a flight to take her back to the one place she had never wanted to return. A flight that would take her home. Home…no…no, it wasn’t home. Not now. Her mother was gone.

Around her was movement, life, sound. Laughter. There shouldn’t have been laughter. Shouldn’t the world have stopped along with her own grief? The weight inside of her seemed to expand, compressing her lungs until she felt she couldn’t breathe. The grief was so huge it should have compressed the entire world. But it didn’t. The pain was only inside of her. The loss was only inside of her.

She wished those words could be erased from her mind, that they could be taken back. That she could return to that morning when everything was alright. When it mattered that the sun was shining, that she was breathing. The words didn’t fade, they didn’t go away.

So much time had been lost, there were so many things she had meant to say. So many apologies she had meant to make. Now she would never be able to apologize for words once spoken in anger. She would never be able to close the gap they had both pretended wasn’t there. She would never be able to forgive her mother for the abnormal childhood she had lived. She would never be able to ask why. Why an intelligent woman would carve spells into the window sills to ward off demons and to bind angels. She would never know now why her mother had hated her father so much that she had never even whispered his name.

Your mother is dead.

AG closed her eyes and leaned her head back against the wall. The waiting area near the terminal gate was over crowded. There were no open seats, but she didn’t care. She didn’t care that she was sitting on the floor, shoved into a corner between a stroller with a cranky two year old and an early twenty something that smelled like weed. All she wanted was to turn back time. She would have done anything to be at home, in her own house, in her own bed, and not there. Anything.

She opened her eyes slowly, hugging her knees. She watched a pair of teenagers walk across the terminal, heads bowed over their smart phones, but she wasn’t really seeing them. She wasn’t seeing anything. She was just…waiting. Waiting for her flight and waiting to wake up from what she knew wasn’t a dream. She was just…” – Angel’s Gate by L. Becker

Coming Halloween 2020

Reserve your advance copy now!

The ShadowGate: Enter and be saved….

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February 12

World Building

Image by Yuri_B from Pixabay

The other day on Twitter I read a post about World Building. The question posed was how much is too much? Sometimes it feels that the heart of the story is overwhelmed by historical treatises and minutiae that doesn’t push the narrative forward. Sometimes you want the adventure and not a lengthy discussion of the various shades of green that make up the forest (Yes, I’m referencing the lengthy forest descriptions Tolkien inserted into the Lord of the Rings. One of my favorite stories, however there were pages I simply had to skip because it was just TOO much world building). The most fascinating world building are the hints that make the reader go, ‘ooo, I’d like to learn more’ or that make them feel there is depth and backstory, not necessarily and political and financial history of the world in which they live. Sure, that’s great you did a ton of research to your world and you have everything from legal system to folklore and pre-history of your world detailed, but readers don’t need to know the whole justice system and the history of how they were enacted unless it pushes the narrative forward. I’ve taken Social Sciences and sat through lectures on the structure of the US’s government and it WASN’T fascinating. It was learning. Yes, knowledge is great, but you’re not writing non-fiction, you’re writing fantasy, you’re offering escape.

I do a ton of world building for the ShadowGate series. Why? Because it’s fun and more importantly it is crucial for the WRITER The more in depth our knowledge of the world we are creating the more realism we can translate to the page for the reader. I spend hours working out the details but it’s for MY benefit more than it is for the readers. The reader will never know all the details, they will never know the exact Guardian Angel to Charge ratio that I spent four hours figuring out. They will however understand that a Guardian has the ability to be in multiple locations at once. That is a fun fact that will fascinate them, but they don’t need to know the whole process of how I came to that conclusion. The reader will only ever know the very edges of the research, history and backstory that I do. And that’s ok, why? Because sometimes too much revealed to the reader destroys the flow of the story.

I know we’re proud of the detailed histories, pre-histories, psychological profiles, etc. that we create. But don’t try to fit all of that into the story in lieu of a STORY. If you’re proud of your world and the detailed notes you’ve made on it, publish those later for the fans of your world who want a deeper look.

Do the research, but dole it out sparingly. Don’t let the world overshadow the story.

Ok, rant over until next time!


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February 5

Book 4 Begins…

Angel’s Gate is only months away from being released launching the ShadowGate Series. And yes, I can say series as I’ve already finished two of the consecutive books and as of Monday started on Book 4 of the series, Sanctuary. It’s really hard not to gush right now and tell you everything about ALL of the stories I’ve written so far. But I can’t spoil all your fun.  Unfortunately you’re going to have to wait until October to read the first installment. It is my hope that when you reach “The End” of Angel’s Gate you’ll be as excited as I am for the next book.

Guardian Angel was written in 2017 during a very rough period in my life and is really the birth of the series. True, I’ve told you the roots of the series started many, MANY, years ago, but Guardian Angel was where I knew it was moving into something really special. I wrote the first draft in a little over a month and for the longest time thought it was lightning in a bottle, something I would never be able to replicate ever again.  That same year I started working on what would lead to the final version of Angel’s Gate, almost 2 full years of edits and polishing until I felt it was perfect and ready for all of you to read. Though I was pretty confident in the content of Angel’s Gate and Guardian Angel I was beginning to fear I wouldn’t be able to continue the story with the next book. What if it was a fluke and something that just wasn’t meant to happen? What if I wasn’t good enough to bring into reality the idea I had? What if this was too big for me?

Then in October 2019 I started Angel Child. It started with a down and dirty hate (you fill in the blank) and just took off. There was no holding it back. Within 3 months the first draft was done and I knew this was it, the ShadowGate Series was in fact, reality. No longer did I doubt that I would be able to put this world, this HUGE story down in print. Now it was just a matter of writing the next story and the next. When I wrote “The End” on Angel Child I expected I would need a few months to reconnect, to find the next story, to find the next words that were dying to be written. It took less than a month before I had fully plotted out Sanctuary (a 12hr session behind the keyboard) and the first words hit the screen. Monday I wrote the first chapter and it feels ‘write’. This is the next story I need to tell, because this is the SAME story, it’s just the next chapter.

I’ve been dying to start this one, since this summer I’ve been getting to know the characters, letting them come to life so that I understand them and I can’t wait to bring them to life.

I can’t wait to share this world with you and I hope you’re as excited about it as I am.

Until next time,


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January 30

WIP Update

Image by Zoltan Matuska from Pixabay

After almost three years rewriting, editing and fine tuning ‘Angel’s Gate’ I’m done. Ok, done is a subjective term when you are a writing and the release date for the book is still a few months out. But I’m done with the BIG changes. Now any changes I make would be grammatical or formatting changes. I’ve set an official release date and ‘Angel’s Gate’ is currently available for pre-order (Reserve your copy here).

On October 31, 2020 it will be released digitally for the whole world to read, officially launching the ShadowGate series. ‘Angel’s Gate’ is the very first in the series and came into being in 2012 during a very dark place in my life. I wrote the original draft in 30 days for the NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) November challenge and didn’t really think much would come out of it. It was an interesting story, kind of took on a life of its own, yet when I typed the end on November 30, 2012 I thought that would be the last I would see of it. Oh, sure I had the vague belief that one day I’d go back and edit it, but that’s the belief I tell myself after EVERY book I write (even the bad ones). Still I set it aside and went on with my life, never realizing it would play such a big part in my future.

I never realized how big the seeds were that it planted inside of my mind. Five years later those seeds would sprout and the world of the ShadowGate was born in only a few months. A complex story that will span a series of books to tell. It was huge, it was big, and it all started with a NaNoWriMo challenge and a small idea of angels here on earth. Of course that meant that I had to go back into ‘Angel’s Gate’ and replot, rewrite and rework a 50K word story that had only an inkling of the world it had unlocked. In 2017 I began the 2nd draft which turned into an almost complete rewrite. In late 2018 I finished the rewrite taking on an additional 100K words. Which meant the rest of 2018, ALL of 2019 and the first two weeks of 2020 were spent on the 3rd draft where I murdered ALL my darlings and a 4th draft that smoothed out everything my 3rd draft did.

Now it’s done and there’s nothing left for me to do but the really hard part. MARKETING. Which all begins with the perfect cover. A cover currently in conception and creation with MOTTWRK a fantastic local artist. Once the artwork is in place you’re going to be hearing a LOT of marketing pushing you (BEGGING you) to purchase ‘Angel’s Gate’ starting October 31, 2020.

I’m very excited and I’m really scared. There’s so much happening in my world and for the first time I’ll be sending this story out into the world. Everything hinges on ‘Angel’s Gate’ , it’s the welcome ambassador for the entire world of The ShadowGate.

I can’t wait for you to read it.

Until next time,


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January 22

The End of Nature

Very early in the book I read a sentence that gripped my heart, “My sons may yet experience what Bill McKibben has called ‘the end of nature,’ the final sadness of a world where there is no escaping man.” (Louv 26).  It made me sad for the generations that are to follow.  It made me think back to my childhood, to playing in the hot summer sun with my brother and sisters, running barefoot through the grass while sprinklers sprayed us with crystalline drops.  Those memories, those days spent under the sun and sky, getting dirt under my nails, climbing trees, digging holes in the back yard, those were some of the most treasured of my life.  To imagine a world where children don’t do those things, they don’t dig for night crawlers to go fishing or pick sour grass to chew on or clovers to braid into headpieces, would be a dark nightmare. 

I have seen the shift that the author talks about.  I have seen it not in my own children, for I do not have any, but in the lives of my sisters children and my brothers children.  I tried to share my wonder and passion for nature with my niece when she was little, and there were times, when she was seven or eight, where she embraced our walks in nature, in feeding horses at a local ranch and picking wildflowers as they grew along the trails.  But slowly that faded away as she became enamored with her new cell phone, her MP3 player, then her iPod and now her iPhone.  She spends her free time on the couch watching reality TV, on social networks or hanging out with her friends.  She is an intelligent young woman, is socially minded and is driven to join in defending the environment.  She is a huge advocate of “going green”, and would rather we all sit in the dark than waste electricity.  She recycles, buys organic foods and stands up for her beliefs.  But she has no connection to nature.  She knows she needs to do something, she sees the world is at risk, but she doesn’t know what she is fighting for.  She knows she is missing something, why else would she be driven to be a good steward to this world.  But she has found “the end of nature” even though she fights to save it.  She hasn’t walked through the world she wants to save, neither have her friends who also fight to “save the planet”.  They want to make a difference, but they don’t even realize what they are fighting for. 

When I step out into nature, beneath the red woods at Muir Woods, along the shores of the California Coast or into the trees in the Sierras I feel I have come home to a long lost friend.  To think that my niece will never experience that, that she never had a chance to swim in a river or lake, hike the shores and collect shells.  That she may never do those things makes me grieve for her and her generation.  How can they be a part of a world they no longer know?  How can they save a world they are strangers in?  It’s not all about the “cause” or raising awareness.  It’s about experiencing and being a part of the ecosystem they are trying to save.  They may save the world and prolong the human race, but trees and plants and animals will only be pretty things on the TV or their computer screen. 

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January 16

Starting the Year Write!

2020 is starting off WRITE! Pardon the corny pun, I really couldn’t help myself. Besides, as corny as it is, that’s how it feels for me. I was writing as the year clicked over because I WANTED to start this year ‘Write’. I wanted to begin this year putting my writing first. I’ve spent so many years putting everything else first, work, relationships, STRESS. For so long I’ve kept this part of me in a small Tupperware in the back of my ‘Life Fridge’, pulling it out when I had a free moment. Most of my writing has been done on lunch breaks, or worse in those few short minutes before bed when the world and my own self are quiet enough to think. For so many years I was conditioned to treat it like a hobby, and nothing is inherently wrong with that, EXCEPT, for me writing is EVERYTHING. When I can’t write I feel like I’m suffocating yet most of my life I’ve written in guilty snatches of time. It wasn’t always that way, at the beginning of my writing journey, the 15 year old me who’d scratched out her first novel in a bright yellow binder was SO certain writing was going to be her world. It consumed every free moment and I KNEW I was going to be a writing and live this awesome life creating and bringing my imagination into reality. Then life happened. Or rather my mother and I got my first real hard look at how mental illness can destroy every life it touches. She burned everything, my first two books, all my poetry, every idea I had ever come up with. She BURNED everything. I don’t say this figuratively, I mean LITERALLY. And worst of all, she made ME do it. I had to be the one to put everything, that first precious novel into the fire and set a match to it. It HURT so bad. A part of me died a little. Sounds very melodramatic to say, but it was a first death, the death of my innocence and childhood and within months of that I lost my parents. I was seventeen. For a long time after that my writing was pushed back into a corner, oh I still wrote, like I said, I can’t breathe unless I’m writing, but it lost its place in my life as I tried to rebuild. Over the next few years it came back and I wrote another novel, the first since the BURNING TIMES (as I will forever refer to that literary conflagration). I wrote it in eleven months only on lunch breaks and little stolen moments because my husband (Yes I married VERY young, only a few months after turning 18) felt it was a waste of time and I should be focused on him and the ‘Real’ world. But, I wrote it and I published it my first time out. And that small success became a painful wedge between us. Instead of pushing me to pursue a career and market and make something of this amazing achievement, he became angry and resentful. I wonder how much worse it would have been had I made a lot of money with that first one?

Life continued to intrude after that, coming in the guise of a divorce by twenty two and a full on battle with Bi-Polar that I’ve finally settled in a comfortable treaty. It won’t win, but it won’t go away either. More LIFE, more things pushing to the front and I kept pushing my writing back. I still wrote, I still created worlds but I lost hope that it would be my future and my calling. So MANY things happened and in the center of the WORST of it, I rediscovered my writing. And now, I’m forty (Loving it by the way!) and I’m taking control. I’m finally putting my writing first, because I’m old enough to know I can. I’m the one in control of my life, the good, the bad and if I want something I need to be the one to make it happen.

So, with that said I’m starting 2020 WRITE and it’s been going GREAT! So much so that I finished the book I was working on, Angel Child, which is the 3rd book of the ShadowGate Series. I wrapped that baby up on January 11, 2020 and now I’m working to find my next book love affair. Usually takes me about 3 months to find ‘The One’ so we’ll see. Possibly book 4 of the series, Sanctuary, or a story I started in 2016 that I never finished (I’ve got lots of started stories waiting to be finished). Whichever book is waiting for me, it’s going to be great, because this year it’s ALL about writing!

Until next time,


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January 8

Pandora and Eve

Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay

We find in science that it is the genetic markers in the female that are passed down, making the female progenitors of the human race the ones with the power.  It makes one consider if early civilizations feared this power and thus the insurgence of a male dominate sky god bent on supplanting and dominating the earth goddess from which he emerged.

At the beginning of recorded history, of recorded myth and legend, God and Goddess stand united in their power and their being.  Using myths for hundreds of cultures as a basis, the hypothesis would stand that humanity began with a Matricentric or egalitarian societies.  Matricentric, being societies that were centered on the authority of females, rule and decisions were placed in the hands of women, as males were warriors, hunters and did not live as long, therefore the females of these societies were left to create their own rules and government.  Egalitarian societies were more balanced, with power falling on both male and female elders equally.  Based on the evolution of mythology one can see how this balance of belief is reflected in the gods and goddesses above.  From the matricentric cultures we have the development of the Mother Goddess; the Earth from which all life is born.  She is represented by Ki in Sumerian myth, Nertha of the Norse, Danu of the Celts, Kabau of the Akkadians and Gaea of the Greeks.  From her was born the gods, Sun Gods who were at once sons and lovers, being born by her and then consumed.  As humankind evolved into more egalitarian cultures we see the god become more consort than child, equal and still born of the earth.  These representations of the earth honored that life came from the womb of women.  It gave honor to both the female and the male, showing that neither was complete without the other.  And then evolved the patriarchal societies, and the monotheistic.

In the first book of the Bible, Genesis, one can clearly see both an egalitarian and patriarchal creation story side by side. They were written centuries apart, the myth about Adam and Eve,  was written prior to the creation of them both at the same time.  God sees that it is not good for man to be alone and so creates him a help meet.  He causes Adam to sleep and “the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto man.” (Genesis 2:22).  Bringing Eve out of Adam and presenting her to him places her in a subservient position, the evidence of a patriarchal mentality.  And in a more egalitarian version “And God created humans in his own image, in the image of God he created them, male and female he created them.” (Genesis 1:27).

Further evidence of the shift to a patriarchal mentality is the domination of the Sun god over the goddess.  Earth becomes subjugated, losing her power and potency, we see this in the evidence of Aphrodite, a reincarnation of the Goddess Ishtar who is fierce and unconquered, but in the Greek patriarchy she becomes a spoiled, haughty, flighty female without the substance of her former self.

Eve and Pandora, once creatrix goddess’ of their cultures, shrink into shadow, losing their power as they become subjects to the male superior societies in which they are surrounded.  It is the fear of losing power, of becoming emasculated by the female deity, as seen with Cronos’ castration of his father Uranus at the urging of Gaea, the Earth Mother.  It is this fear turns Eve, the womb of life to the “the lance of the demon”, “the road of iniquity” “the sting of the scorpion”, “a daughter of falsehood, the sentinel of Hell”, “the enemy of peace” and “of the wild beast, the most dangerous.”  It turns Pandora into the bearer of all the gifts of man, from the holder of Hope, the cause of man’s pain and misfortune.  She is the bane of man’s existence, born as punishment for knowledge and civilization.

In the middle ages, this was further advanced, to an almost hysteric level.  The church elders draw upon scripture, urging submission and silence upon women, arguing that “Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression”.  It was Eve who was tempted so the early Fathers of the Church blamed her and all women thereafter responsible for sin and the Fall of man.

Woman and Man were created through science and through myth as one; their physical union is the creation of life and in our ancient past both were honored for their place in the catalyst of life and society.  But through fear and aggression, ignorance and the need for power, the balance shifted and the union of Male and Female was lost.  Even now, humanity struggles to find our balance, to shift the power from one hand to the other, and ideally into both, so that the scales are balanced once more.

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December 24

A Discussion of Heroes

Image by Andrew Martin from Pixabay

Heroes?  You want to talk about heroes?  Ok, do I just get to list one?  If that’s the case I do NOT have the ability to decide on which one.  Should I list them by genre, era, media?  Seriously,  I LOVE heroes and have tons of them.  OK, let’s do this in a somewhat organized manner:

REAL Heroes (meaning they are flesh and blood, breathing, currently alive heroes):
Nora Roberts – Love her work, though currently her stuff has been a little cookie cutter
Patricia Cornwall – Seriously, her medical thrillers are amazing
Sylvester Stallone – This guy has an amazing work ethic, is a good father and has some amazing talents, he paints, he writes, he directs, he acts…..And anyone who can create an Action Feast like Expendables gets a hero nod from me.  Seriously, he’s got CHUCK NORRIS in Expendables II!!!

Real Heroes (Meaning they used to be alive, flesh and blood heroes):
Christopher “Kit” Carson – seriously makes Daniel Boone and Davy Crockett look like pansies
Audie Murphy – 5’6″ and kicked major butt in World War II, got turned away from every Military Division but still didn’t give up until the Army finally enlisted him, was wounded, multiple times, saved his friends and fellow soldiers countless times, received every medal of honor our government can bestow, AND when he came back advocated and fought for soldiers to receive care for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Robert Louis Stevenson – a little bit of a cad, but his work inspired me
Errol Flynn – until I learned more about the man outside of the movies
John Wayne – Who doesn’t love the Duke?
Katherine Hepburn – Never played the damsel in distress, always presented an intelligent, strong and savvy woman, way ahead of her time
The list could go on but I will stop myself here and move to the next category.

Fictional or legendary heroes:
Sir Galahad
Sir Gawain
Sir Wilfred of Ivanhoe
Robin Hood
Zorro – Who makes the sign of the Z (I am giving away my age and singing the theme song right now)
Batman – because he doesn’t have any super powers and he still kicks butt!
Gambit from Xmen
And on and on and on.

Ok, so I have tons of heroes, maybe that’s why it’s so easy for me to be polytheistic, but I have heroes for every aspect of life.  Heroes are essential as guidelines of how we should be as people.  Their actions and stories lend us strength to do the right thing no matter the cost or the odds against us.  We need heroes, the same way the peoples of Ancient Greece needed their gods.  Heroes reflect what the human being can achieve if they rise above doubts, fears and weakness.  They are who we all want to be.

I totally agree that heroes do not necessarily have to be larger than life, but their purpose is to show and guide us to be more than we are, to be better and stronger than we could ever imagine we can be.  That is why many of us have heroes that are personal, not known by anyone other than ourselves.  Because they are the ones that enable us to do more, achieve more.  They are our heroes because they make us be who we want to be.

Heroes, not just the iconic, larger than life, fictional or spiritual heroes, but the down to earth, everyday people who somehow manage to rise above the chaos and stand out from the crowd, are essential to the fabric of human existence.  By our very definition we are creatures of the herd, milling about, reacting only when there is something to react to.  I think in our deepest core we do not believe that we have the capability to do more than be born, work, procreate and die.  It’s part of our physical nature, but there is more the human animal than just the physical, evolved behavior.  We have thoughts, and souls and we want, in our deepest core, to be more than we are.  To somehow matter.  We are all part of the herd, but every single one of us wants to rise above the crowd and be noticed as something unique.  That is the purpose of the hero, whether fiction or fact.  They show us, that no matter what, there is more to us as individuals and as a species.  They show us that against all odds the good in humanity can triumph.  It may be fiction or religious stories that inspire us, but their purpose has been service.  To inspire.  A culture without heroes has either reached its zenith of spiritual evolution or has simply given up.

It is almost essential that a good hero have weakness’.  If they did not, then all of their “grand” accomplishments would mean very little.  If they didn’t have to struggle to overcome obstacles they wouldn’t be heroes, they would just be very lucky.  The weakness’ of our heroes helps us to relate to them, helps us realize that even we can accomplish great things, that we can overcome our own weakness’ and short comings to be the person we want to be.  Without  weakness’ there would be no human connection between heroes and the people who admire them.  It is the triumph over the adversity that makes them heroic not the final result, it is the battle over themselves and their surroundings.  The fact that they will keep going regardless of the Kryptonite is what makes them a real hero.

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